about the unscripted frictions of my finger on your cheek about the narrated realities of the shrimps about the bedsheet I didnt ask for about the rocks they cant burn about the possibility of an outside about the struggles we keep withdrawing from about one more time about
***öpen-ended end2end wåndering on Eãrth among nėbulœus søunds, bruised parole, artificial agencies or other emancipat0ry critters
here i navigate alt-spaces of being-with in the shattered now through sounds, algorithmic critters, or braided words, as ways to encourage ecological porosity, and alternormative agencies in vivo or in silico. towards active practices of {doubt, wonder, care}.
in some tangent line of flights, I am a mathematician working as an AI postdoctoral researcher at the REAL Lab in ITU, Copenhagen. There, I investigate questions of learning and decision-making under uncertainty for artificial agents and the possibility of emergent forms of self-organisation in open-ended processes.
for any question, comment, project, dream, counterfactual reach me at claireaoi [[[ått|| protonmail.com