
The Sound of Speech As It Echoes in the Cloud
reroute our attention to the unfamiliar, our relational realities, and the ruins of the always-already.
˜˜˜Project by Tropozone Collective
Witnessing growing precarity and stressed ecosystems, it seems urgent to imagine new ways of co-inhabiting the damaged ecosystem of our Earth. As most of our existing models have failed to ensure fertile tomorrows, we advocate for divesting ourselves of our all-too-human systems, and develop new modes of exchange with the more-than-human worlds. We propose to investigate how voice technologies and AI could embody ways to connect us with our environment and cultivate a practice of listening, caring and imagination.
The Sound of Speech As It Echoes in the Cloud is an assemblage of voice agents that invites us to reroute our attention to the unfamiliar, our relational realities, and the ruins of the always-already.
SOSAIEITC confronts us with the otherness of non-human agencies through custom voice technologies. By redesigning algorithms and conversational AI, it explores novel interaction paradigms, which emulate or speculate on non- human semantic spaces and qualities. The project takes the form of a network of AI-powered voice objects distributed across different parts of Europe. Through a set of different experiences, narratives, and installations, these voices would invite the audience to enter this assemblage i.e. listen, converse and co- evolve with it. Each of these installations aspires to delineate a path towards a “becoming with” the world.
A first instantiation of SOSAIEITC has been exhibited at the Dutch Design Week 2021 -> see here.

Tropozone is a transdisciplinary collective, founded by Claire Glanois, Yuxi Liu and Guillaume Slizewicz, that speculates about more-than-human encounters and experiments with conversational AI in an effort to cultivate ecological care.
You are welcome to reach us at tropozone@protonmail.com for any comment, contact, or collaboration proposal or participation in this project.